Commercial Cadmium
Cadmium plating offers high corrosion protection to many parts and has long been used for its superior corrosion protection. Cadmium, as deposited, is a bright silver finish to which a clear or yellow chromate can be applied. The deposit is soft, ductile and solder able. It provides coverage that prevents metals from oxidation and corrosion which will extend the life of the part. Manufacturers in the aerospace and transportation industries utilize cadmium for just this reason. Here at Detray we have over 80 years of combined experience in the area of cadmium plating and can offer both rack and barrel capabilities depending on your needs. We can also provide certification to your specs.
Aerospace & Military
Cadmium is still widely used in the Aerospace industry for all types of fasteners. Here at DeTray we have the capabilities of plating to a wide variety of Aerospace specifications. We have 2 large walk-in ovens for stress relieve of your parts verified with 24 hour chart recorders. Certification to your specification can be provided. Our employee’s have over 80 years of combined experience processing aerospace parts.
Cadmium has long been used for its superior corrosion protection. Cadmium as deposited is bright silver finish to which a clear or yellow chromate can be applied. The deposit is soft, ductile and solderable. Here at DeTray Plating Works we have both rack and barrel capabilities depending on your needs.
- Better corrosion protection than Zinc
- Original finish on older Automobiles and Motor cycles
- Certification to your specification can be provided.
- We can accommodate most plating specifications including but not limited to:
Standard Specifications
P.S. 13101

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10405 East 11th Street
Independence, Missouri 64052